Category: 2023

  • November Newsletter 2023

    This year seems to have gone in a flash and here we are approaching the last meeting of the Society in 2023. There will be no meeting in December so the next meeting will be on Wednesday 10th January when we have Kelvin Mason talking to us about Gardening for Climate Change. Kelvin has worked for…

  • October Newsletter 2023

    I feel that I have only now recovered from the Alresford Show and I’m sure I share that feeling with Ann Winfield who was largely responsible for the organisation of the Horticultural Show within a Show. Ann attended the Agricultural Committee wash-up meeting and reported on our behalf, thanking them for their help in mowing…

  • September Newsletter 2023

    As I write this month’s newsletter we are in the middle of a heat wave and enjoying a mini summer. It was such a relief that the weather was good for this year’s Alresford Show which I’m told by the organisers was a big success. In the Horticultural tent we had a constant stream of…

  • Alresford Horticultural Show 2023

    What a show… Held on the 2nd of September. A turn around from almost cancelling due to a lack of entries to 550. from 150 people….

  • Visit to Wisley – 19 June 2023

  • July Newsletter 2023

    After a long dry spell we had some rain – not for long but it was so very welcome. Our gardens couldn’t believe their good luck and immediately looked better for it. However, the watering continues and the vegetables certainly need our help if they are going to perform well at the Alresford Show. …

  • Annual Garden Party at the home of Vivienne Isemann

  • June Newsletter 2023

    Wednesday 14th June – the day of our annual Rose Show. Please bring your favourite rose in a container of your choice for a chance to win the Society’s Rose Bowl. Judging will take place in the interval. On 10th May we welcomed Susan Simmonds of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust who gave us a very interesting, illustrated…

  • May Newsletter 2023

    Our Spring Show in April always marks the beginning of the year and is an event we look forward to. Despite our changing weather pattern affecting what we might see in our gardens, the hall was very colourful – Ralph Pointer won the cup for most points awarded and Vivienne Isemann won the ‘Best in Show’ in the ‘small arrangement’ category.…

  • SPRING SHOW 12th APRIL 2023