July Newsletter 2023

After a long dry spell we had some rain – not for long but it was so very welcome. Our gardens couldn’t believe their good luck and immediately looked better for it. However, the watering continues and the vegetables certainly need our help if they are going to perform well at the Alresford Show.

Since our last meeting some of our members and guests enjoyed their annual summer holiday, this time to Yorkshire. Thanks to Val Ramshaw it was as usual a great success and Angela Coaches and their very experienced and helpful driver ensured that the programme went without a hitch. Well almost; the day set aside for a scenic drive through the Yorkshire Dales was the only day it rained and access to York Minster was denied owing to a concert rehearsal. However, such inconveniences are just par for the course and Val is already being pressed to arrange another holiday next year.

We usually arrange a one-day visit in the Autumn and this year we are looking at Parham House and Gardens, near Pulborough, West Sussex in early October. However, coach travel is expensive and we need to fill all the available seats to avoid running at a loss. Please think about it and discuss with your friends. Details will be issued shortly.

Thank you to those who have entered the Hanging Basket/Container competition. The judges will most probably visit on Tuesday next and the results will be announced at the meeting on Wednesday.

On Saturday 1st July we had a very happy summer party at the home of Vivienne Isemann. It was a sunny evening and we were all surprised to see such a beautiful and extensive garden hidden behind the gates to the house alongside the entrance to Perins School. Members contributed an amazing variety of food and we really had a feast. Thank you, Vivienne, for opening up your house and garden and for going to so much trouble on our behalf.

Arrangements are now well underway for our involvement in the Alresford Show. Ann Winfield our Show Manager is compiling lists of stewards, helpers and judges and much remains to be done. Please pick up a Schedule from the many participating outlets in the town and contact Ann if you have any questions (867596 or 07790 059430). We need Tombola prizes asap, so please bring them to a meeting or deliver to Val Ramshaw, 1 Oakhill. Almost anything will be considered including money which can be used to make purchases. As we no longer ask people to pay to put their entries into the Show, the tombola is the only means we have of raising money to cover our costs so we really need your help.

Tonight, we welcome Sally Miller of the Hampshire Gardens Trust who will be able to explain the role of the Trust in her talk ‘What do we do and why do we do it’.  We have been affiliated to the Trust for many years, so it is now very appropriate that we learn more about its role in the conservation and development of our parks, gardens and landscapes.

Janet Pooley,  Chairman

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