June Newsletter 2023

Wednesday 14th June – the day of our annual Rose Show. Please bring your favourite rose in a container of your choice for a chance to win the Society’s Rose Bowl. Judging will take place in the interval.

On 10th May we welcomed Susan Simmonds of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust who gave us a very interesting, illustrated talk on the ways in which the Trust are working with other organisations and landowners to encourage care for the natural environment with the objective of restoring many plants and species by 2030. Several members then followed this up by joining Trust member Jon Cranfield who led a walk round St John’s Churchyard to show the range of biodiversity in this very special area. We saw the newly re-established pyramid orchids and several slow worms and were reminded by both Susan and Jon of the value of our churchyards in preserving the natural habitat.

On 1st June we were joined by members of the Alresford Flower Club on our annual visit to Wisley, organised by Val Ramshaw. We are so lucky to have this important RHS Garden practically on our doorstep. We had wonderful weather and there was much to see. Stephen Morley will be putting some photos on our web site www.alresfordhorticultural.org.

Members will be looking forward to our annual holiday, this time to Harrogate which starts on 19th June, again organised by Val Ramshaw. What an advantage it is when travel is so problematic that we start our trips from Alresford and not from a railway station or airport so do please continue to support us.

Another heat wave and no rain! Watering hanging baskets and containers is now a priority and I hope yours are looking good and ready for the Competition. Judging will take place in early July and we will announce the date nearer the time. Meantime I encourage you to sign up at our next meeting or let one of the committee members know that you would like to take part. There is no theme this year so you have free choice of colour and design and there will be a small prize for the winner and runner-up.

The annual Summer Garden Party this year will be on Saturday 1st July at 2 Jacklyns Lane (6.00-8.00pm) by kind invitation of committee member Vivienne Isemann. Please bring a contribution as usual and a chair if possible. Vivienne plans to issue a formal invitation with more detail nearer the time. We look forward to seeing many of you there.

The Alresford Show catalogues are printed so please take one and pass them onto your friends. As last year, there will be no charge to enter. We are asking you to sign up at the meeting to indicate how you might be able to help on the day. There are many roles to fill and something for everyone. The tombola is always popular and makes a valuable contribution to cover some of our expenses so we are now looking for prizes which can be brought to a meeting or delivered to Val Ramshaw at 1 Oak Hill. Please don’t leave it till the last minute or we shall start to panic!

Finally, I am sorry to have to report that our long-standing member and loyal supporter, Jeanne Perry has died. Jeanne, Tony, Susan and Heather have all been hugely important in the life of the Society over the years. There will be a Service of Remembrance at St John’s Church on 30th June at 1.00pm.

We welcome tonight Wilf Simcox, a show judge, who will talk to us on the subject of Conservatory Plants and will also judge the roses.

Janet Pooley – Chairman

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