February 2023 – Chairman’s Review of 2022

Here we are at the end of another year, another one full of interest from our programme and from the weather! The growing season this year was certainly very hot at times, but was also very wet at times.

We were able to meet in person for the whole year and were treated to a range of illustrated talks and also a full programme of visits, including Exbury Gardens, RHS Wisley and once more enjoyed the hospitality of Anne and Ted Winfield in their garden at “Little Golders.” We also had a successful Coffee morning and Seed and Plant swap in the Community centre in April.

Most of our meetings where here in St Gregory’s and included Barry Newman on growing for the kitchen, members’ shows in April and June, David Standing explaining the history of Gilbert’s White’s garden in Selborne and John Wood educating us in the finer points of Dahlias. We also welcomed George Mann who delighted us with a talk on his many years of studying the River Itchen. Fran Clifton and Patricia Elkington were both passionate in their descriptions of a pair of gardens, one large and one small, the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens and Little Court at Crawley

Numbers at meetings have been good this year, and we have been able to enjoy tea and biscuits again.

Of course we returned to Tichborne Park in September for the Alresford Show, which was a great success all round and was blessed with fine weather.

On a personal note, I have completed my final year as Chairman and would like to thank all members and the Committee for putting up with me for the last 10 years or so.

Stephen Morley

Chairman, Alresford and District Horticultural Society

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