Newsletter August 2022

Sunshine, sunshine everywhere, nor any drop of rain, as the Ancient Mariner didn’t say, but might well have done after the past month’s weather

Hello and welcome to the August meeting, and temperatures again climbing into the 30’s!!(or the 90’s in old money) I hope that you are all able to save enough bath and washing up water to keep some of you plants alive at least.

A couple of notices for this evening before our speaker:

First Benny Brundish and I were able to judge the hanging basket and container exhibition last week. Although there were not a huge number of entries, the variety and quality of the containers was very high. As well as plants including pelargoniums petunias and lobelia (both blue and white) several of the containers were white or blue themselves, which proved very effective. An the winner is…..TO BE ANNOUNCED!

Secondly, Anne has details of the arrangements for those of you stewarding at the Alresford show on September 3rd. A reminder that we also need donations for the Tombola, which this year will be our only form of income as we are not charging for entries. 

Val is also taking bookings for the trip to Wisley on Sept 27th, we do need a full coach for this trip. We haven’t been at this time of year for a while, but the prairie plantings should be fading elegantly, and many late summer/autumn bulbs in full swing.

Finally, a reminder that September’s meeting is here on the 14th with Paul Patton, who is “Looking Forward to Spring” and then in October on the 12th we have John Wood talking on “All Things Dahlias”

Finally, I have great pleasure in introducing tonight’s speaker, George Mann who is talking on the about the River Itchen. George spent years watching, recording and photographing the river near Martyr Worthy and chronicling the wildlife and management methods, and publishing a book covering this study.

Stephen Morley

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