Members Spring Show 2024
April 10th 2024
- A pot of daffodils
- 3 stems of miniature daffodils, all the same cultivar
- A pot of polyanthus or primroses
- 5 stems of tulips
- A single stem of any spring flowering bulb
- One container of growing bulbs or corms, not daffodils
- 3 stems of flowers or foliage from 3 different cultivars of flowering shrubs, attractively arranged
- 3 hellebores blooms floating in a bowl
- A small container of stems of spring flowers (at least 3 stems)
- A Photograph with a horticultural theme, any size, may be mounted and/or framed, if preferred
- 3 sticks of rhubarb
NB judging will be by members’ votes cast on the evening.
Awards: Supreme Acorn Award for best in Show (chosen by the Chairman).
Bosie Cup for the highest number of points overall.